Pakistan China friendship

Decrypt! Pakistan is vital to China's strategic rise

 2 months ago

 There is a kind of friendship in the world called Sino-Pakistani Friendship. Our citizens kindly call them Palestine. In everyone's impression, the relationship between China and Pakistan has always been like this, and it has always been like brothers. Moreover, China and Pakistan have an all-weather strategic cooperative partnership, and the border between the two countries is not fortified.

 But in the international community, everyone has heard the saying, "There are no eternal friends, only eternal interests." In other words, international partnerships are based on interests. Cooperation without interests is unstable. .

 Some people say that the friendly relations between China and Pakistan have many benefits to Pakistan. We are a powerful country that can export technology and resources to help them develop. This is well understood. But what benefits does it have for China? Next, we will answer this question through the cloud of world structure and history.

 1. Check and balance India's natural ally

 Everyone knows that our relationship with India has always been bad. In 1962, India suffered a terrible defeat in the Sino-Indian War, and the third brother has never stopped. In recent years, there have always been frictions on the Sino-Indian border, and occasionally there have been occasions when the guns went wrong.

 It's really annoying to have such a troublemaker around the border. You can't always go and fuck him. Although he can't fight us, the war will cost money.

 Sun Tzu’s strategy of warfare talks about “upgrading soldiers and conquering, then decimating diplomats, then decimating soldiers, and then siege.” See if you can see that both tactics and siege are the best tactics. The most obvious tactic is to win by strategy. A soldier who fails without a fight. In other words, don't do things that can be solved with your mouth and brain. Doing it is too tiring. Therefore, a top diplomat can be worth a million masters. This is the art of war.

 So how do you engage the troublemaker in India? The basic policy is that the enemy's enemy is a friend, and we must unite all forces that can be united to do a good job in the united front.

 According to this policy, it is very simple. Just place an ally around your enemy. The Pakistan Railway came out at the historic moment. Look at the geographic location of the Pakistan Railway. This is a natural ally. But there is still a question, why should people be your ally?

 There are deep historical reasons for this. India is Pakistan's mortal enemy. Pakistan's hatred with India is much deeper than ours with India. It can be described as hating three rivers and four seas two times a day.

 To put it simply, India and Pakistan were actually the same country before, but after the British colonized the Indian peninsula all over the world, it became a colony of the British Empire.

 After the end of World War II, Britain withdrew. The different religious beliefs of the North and South led to many conflicts. Later, it was forcibly divided into two countries, India in the south and Pakistan in the north.

 In 1947, the issue of territoriality in Kashmir became even more troubled, leading to two India-Pakistan wars. The above-mentioned contradictions have destined the relationship between India and Pakistan as mortal enemies, and the feud between India and Pakistan and the geographic location of Pakistan have also destined Pakistani railways to be our natural ally to unite.

 (You can take a look at the movie "Little Lori's Monkey God", which shows the conflicts between India and Pakistan)

 2. The Pakistan Passage-a bridge for China-Iraq alliance

 The Middle East is the world's largest oil producer. In order to control Middle East oil, the United States has cooperated with Saudi Arabia and implemented the strategy of dollar-for-oil exchange. With Saudi Arabia and Israel as the fulcrum, it basically controlled the entire Middle East and achieved dollar hegemony.

 At present, only Iran, the nail house in the Middle East, is still rebelling, unwilling to be reconciled to the hegemonic rule of the United States, and is still studying nuclear weapons every day, which makes the United States angry.

 As soon as China and Russia saw the opportunity, the small countries in the world did not have the strength to resist, but big countries like China and Russia were unwilling to succumb. Why should oil trade let you cut leeks with US dollars? In the face of common goals and interests, China, Russia and Iran have come together and formed an alliance to fight the United States together.

 China's calculation is to dismantle US power in the Middle East and thus dismantle the US dollar hegemony. After the integration of Eurasia, everyone will settle in RMB.

 Of course, Russia also wants to settle in rubles, but because they are trapped in a resource trap, the country has no strength and plans to have soup with China.

 Iran is very ambitious. It wants to dominate the Middle East and unify the entire Islamic world. With its own ability, it can't catch up with the United States. It can just use the support of China and Russia to achieve its own goals. This fully reflects the survival of small countries, which is to use the game between big countries to find opportunities to maximize their own interests.

 China, Russia and Iran have the same interests, anyway, it is to drive away the United States.

 Since we want to form an alliance with Iran, the security of the passage is too important. Let us look at the map.
