What's Happening in Middle East

      What's happening in Middle East     

ll address the reasons why the Muslim world remains lagging behind the world on various issues. A new axis of anti-Western leaders, some at least anti-Semitic, as mentioned, representing over 600 million people and 3% of the world economy.

MIDDLE East war

 Particularly close cooperation is taking place between Pakistan and Turkey. Pakistanis are begging for investment while Turks are interested in Pakistani nuclear knowledge to advance towards their own nuclear capability. Already today the Turks have scientists, a nuclear reactor under construction and uranium deposits, and with the help of Pakistani knowledge they hope to reach their destination.

 Erdogan said in a speech last September that his country is being prevented from developing nuclear weapons, while Israel has a nuclear arsenal through which it is threatening others. By that Erdogan meant to say that he has the legitimacy to achieve such an ability.

 Even more extreme

 The emerging axis was built in an era in which the Arab world was dramatically weakened - military powers from the past such as Iraq, Libya and Syria became failed states without an orderly central government. Egypt, although massively armed, is facing terrorism in a large number of hotspots and itself is economically dependent on Saudi Arabia and other countries to survive. At the same time, the Iranians, who until recently were seen as the biggest beneficiaries of the Arab Spring, find themselves under extremely severe economic sanctions that crumble national unity and cause uprisings against Iranian involvement in Iraq and Lebanon.

 Opposite these are non-Arab Muslim countries, with the exception of tiny Qatar, which is being boycotted in the Arab world today, and showing continued governmental stability, alongside military and other capabilities.

 Another example of the strengthening of the Turkish-Pakistani alliance, an alliance that has already led to public Turkish support for Pakistan's Kashmir and Pakistani support for Turkey's moves in northern Syria, are joint maneuvers in the Mediterranean. To invade the Greek territorial waters.

 This is a clear message from the Turks, who are angry at the tightening alliance between Greece-Israel-Cyprus-Egypt over the gas discoveries, which is perceived as a threat to the Turks. .

 Erdogan is not paranoid for nothing - this gas alliance is made up of countries that see Erdogan as an ongoing military threat. Greece and Cyprus are historical rivals of Turkey that feel threatened even today, Egypt and Israel see Erdogan as agitating and supporting problematic bodies, from the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, through Hamas in Gaza to the northern faction of the Islamic Movement in its arms.

 T7 activity in the Old City of Jerusalem. In recent years, Turkey has undergone further radicalization to that which has taken place since the beginning of the Erdogan era, due to its membership in the National Movement Party with its neo-fascist ideology. This party represents a distinctly Turkish-nationalist aspect aimed at returning Turkey to its great days as an empire in the Middle East, and it attaches a relatively secular component to the religious component that Erdogan brings with it.
